Christmas Once More

This time of the year, so old yet so new.
Reminds us once more Lord, to focus on You.
To cease from our bustle and rushing around,
And look to the manger, where peace may be found.

As we look to the Babe, it’s the Man that we see,
Who died on the Cross, to save you and save me,
He died as He lived, with pure love pouring out,
To show us what Christmas, is really about.

The love of our Father, who saw us in sin,
And for our redemption, knew where to begin.
His love not withholding, He sent us His Son,
To live, love and die, ere His work it was done.

He came as a baby, dependant on care,
So we could relate to His helplessness there,
He grew, and He taught, and He preached day by day,
And thousands would listen, to what He’d to say.

And some would accept Him, and some would reject,
He wasn’t the Saviour, they’d come to expect,
But He knew the path, that His feet they must take,
And He knew the great sacrifice, He’d have to make.

It didn’t come easy, He wept and He prayed,
As His followers slept; in the Garden He stayed,
But His face set like flint, He went straight to the Cross,
And for our redemption, did not count it as loss.

So as we come round to Christmas once more,
Of our reasons for giving, we need to be sure,
Such Love He poured out, and is giving it still,
That if our hearts we will open, He will them overfill.

Then the joy will pour out, and the laughter as well,
And friends gather round, with stories to tell
Of God’s goodness to them, throughout the past year,
Times of blessing, and growing, and strength through their fear.

There’s tinsel and glitter and family fun,
And gifts, as there were when it all first begun,
But just as our Father, gave Christ from above,
Our gifts should be given, with hearts full of love.

For love is the greatest gift there can be,
It reaches and touches a place we can’t see,
Pure love is from God, a true healing balm,
Bringing peace, hope and joy, and God given calm.

May such love fill your Christmas, and bring you great cheer,
May it be once again, a blessed time of the year;
May your joys they be many, your troubles be few,
May you know in your heart how much Jesus loves you.

May you know Him as Saviour, revere Him as Lord,
Know the depth of His Love, and the truth of His Word,
Hear the voice of His Spirit, in all that you do,
Saying, “Truly, I love you, Merry Christmas to you”.

© Ailsa Yates 15/12/14

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