Lord, Who Am I?

This poem poses a question that was quickly answered in the next poem … “You Are

Please read them in conjunction and be blessed. Thanks and God bless, Lion’slamb.

Lord, how can You love me?
I look and see so many faults and failings,
You look and see,: —
What do You see, Lord?
What do You see in me?

Do You see the child I don’t remember?
Her hopes, and thoughts, and dreams?
Do you see the spirit You created,
And shudder for the way
Things might have been?

Or did You know,
The moment You conceived me,
Of all the choices that I’d wrongly make,
And plan the ways to turn them round to bless me,
And love me, none-the-less, for Jesus’ sake?

And do You cry the times I doubt Your loving?
Or is Your love too strong for me to harm?
The tears You shed, on my behalf,
Is it my pain, — not Yours,
That brings them tumbling down?

Lord, who am I?
This person You’ve created?
This creature I’ve become?
Your love, and my confusion,
Do not belong together, joined as one.

Confusion is of him, the one who fights us,
That tries to steal us from Your loving care,
I dare not let him win and overcome me,
Lord draw me close to You;
And keep me there.

I know not who I am, nor why You made me,
I tremble at the things I’ve yet to see,
But Lord; You’re the One, who says that You have called me,
Help me to hold, and trust; the love You’ve promised,
The love You say You keep, for only me.

© Ailsa Yates 30/9/00