There are lessons to learn, and some cannot wait,
But without love we’re left with a space.
To learn how to love and not walk in hate,
We need to come into Your grace.
For love is absorbed, it cannot be taught,
It isn’t a lesson to learn.
It’s treating all others the way that we ought,
Not giving them ‘just what they earn’.
So don’t set a limit on love you hand out,
Nor limit the love you take in;
To limit this love, just have fear and doubt,
They’re both of them counted as sin.
But the more of God’s love you allow in your life,
The more of His love you can give;
Then He’ll help you to cope with all manner of strife,
And have peace in the life that you live.
To love one another was Christ’s last command,
To the twelve and also to us;
To offer the needy, His outstretched hand,
And to do so without any fuss.
If you would have love to be shown to you,
Then give love to all that you meet;
And you’ll find that God to His word will be true,
And allow you to kneel at His feet.
And as at His feet you come bowing down,
Revering your Heavenly king,
You’ll find He will raise you, and give you a crown,
And your spirit within you will sing
To love one another, is living like He
Who poured out His life for us all;
Not thinking too highly of I, mine and me,
But loving the great and the small.
For He did not limit the love that He gave
To those who deserved to have praise;
He came, that all who were born He might save,
And all, from the grave He might raise.
And we must love others the very same way,
If in His likeness we’d be;
And as we reach out to our brothers each day,
Then His face, in each other we’ll see.
© Ailsa Yates 19/4/00