A tiny speck within the womb,
New life begins to stir.
The blessèd mother offers room,
And He is one with her.
The Christ Child brought a promise true,
To all mankind on earth,
There was a task that He must do,
But first would come His birth.
This Life that formed the Universe,
Must now be formed anew;
Before His mother gave Him birth,
This Babe within her grew.
How can our minds contain the thought,
That One who ‘had it all’,
Should count His very riches nought,
Come to earth, as a baby small.
© Ailsa Yates 14/12/2004
On the 13th of December 2004 I found out I was going to be a Grandma for the first time in August 2005, I hadn’t realised until I just looked at the date this Christmas poem was written that it must surely have been influenced by the thrill I felt at this personal news. All babies are precious, and those we are personally involved with, all the more so to each of us. Jesus birth should be especially precious to every Christian who knows His promise.