God gives us many blessings.
Please let me list a few,
The sun, the moon, the rain, the stars,
Soft breeze and morning dew.
The smile upon a baby’s face,
The kind word of a friend,
I’m sure if we would really think,
Our list would never end.
And yet, sometimes we cannot see,
These blessings through a cloud,
A mist of darkness wraps us round,
And blinds us like a shroud.
It seeps into our very bones,
Its fingers grasp our mind,
And though faith’s not by feelings led,
Our faith is hard to find.
It’s easy for the strong to say,
Just count your blessings, do;
But even though they many are,
They still are hid from view.
Our mind may well acknowledge them,
Our voice may speak them out,
But in our world of darkness deep,
There whispers words of doubt.
Are these for you? Or could it be,
They’re meant for someone other,
For her, for him, for someone else,
But not for you, my brother.
It’s hard to see that we are part,
Of God’s great whomsoever,
He doesn’t turn His back on us,
Not now, not ‘then’; not ever.
But patiently He waits for us,
To listen for His word,
To open up our hearts again,
And hear what once we heard.
His Holy Spirit speaking,
Like an arrow to our heart,
So straight and true, so clear and loud,
Like we’d never been apart.
The greatest blessing ever,
Is to know that God is near,
And no matter what it felt like,
He always has been here.
So hang onto your faith my friend,
When you feel you don’t believe,
Just hang in there, and trust one day,
His Word you will receive.
And when you least expect it,
Comes His blessing from above,
His gentle voice will wake you,
With assurance of His love.
He has not left you friendless,
Though you may have felt alone,
He’s been right there beside you,
And your thoughts He’s always known.
So put your hand in His now,
And dare to leave it there,
And remember that your Father,
Is no further than a prayer.
His ears will always listen,
His heart will always care,
Those times you cannot feel him,
For you, God still is there.
Just ‘cos He made the Universe,
The stars, the moons, the earth,
And all that lives and breathes in it,
Does not demean your worth.
You may think you are nothing,
Compared to His great might,
But He came and fought with sin and death;
Thought you were worth the fight.
So lift your head up boldly,
Come right up to His throne,
Take a look into His loving face,
And say, “Father, I’m Your own,
Through the Blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son;
I come before You now,
My heart is lifted by Your love,
My knees before You bow,
I thank you for Your faithfulness,
And for Your trust in me,
I pray You help my ears to hear,
And cause my eyes to see,
The depth and breadth and height and width,
Of the love You have for me,
The love You have for all of us,
The love, oh God, that’s Thee.”
© Ailsa Yates 2/1/2011 (3-15am – 4-15am)