Christ left His glory, to shine as a star;
A guide to the wise men who came from afar;
And still we are drawn, to His shining light,
Till faith shall be gloriously turned into sight.
Christ came as a baby, so helpless and small,
So when we are helpless, he’ll relate to us all;
He’s been where we’ve been, and He’s trod where we’ve trod,
He truly was man, and He truly is God.
He gave up His power, He gave up His might,
That He might relate to the fight that we fight;
He called on the Spirit for the strength not to sin,
So when we are tempted, we know where to begin.
We don’t take our stand in a strength that’s our own,
For when we have Jesus, we’re never alone;
We call on His Spirit, to come to our aid;
With Him as our ally, we need not be afraid.
For fear is a foe, that will batter our soul;
And faith is the weapon that helps us stay whole;
For Christ takes our faith, and makes of it a sword,
That is strengthened and honed as we feed on His Word.
© Ailsa Yates 16/12/98