Praise the Lord for He is risen, Let your praise soar to the sky, Sing His praise to highest heaven, Let His presence draw you nigh. See the grave clothes now are empty, And the stone has rolled away, Man from sin’s course has been set free, Comes to life a brand new day. Come as mourners to the graveside, Leave rejoicing that He’s won. On the Cross, our Saviour has died, All required of Him, He’s done. But His story did not end there, For He rose, new life to bring, As we all His triumph can share, So with joy, our hearts must sing. For He paid the price we could not, And He covered every sin, Took the sentence that was our lot, So our new life could begin. We must now walk out this freedom, That has cost our Lord so dear, Not forgetting what we’re saved from, Telling any who will hear.
Tell of how our God has saved us, Tell of how, for them, He’ll care, Tell them clearly, and without fuss, That, this life, they too can share. Let then know His love with gladness, In our lives, let them see joy, Bring His comfort to their sadness, Don’t treat salvation as a toy. For this gift of His was costly, All His life, and more He gave, Death and hell, that we might be free, Then He rose from out the grave.
So again we sing His praises,
Let our hearts to heaven soar,
As we learn how great our Lord is,
We will praise Him more and more.
© Ailsa Yates 27/3/05